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Only 10% of early-stage businesses succeed.

Enlisting key experienced entrepreneurial talent will help light the path for your company to flourish.

Only 10% of early-stage companies succeed.

Enlisting key experienced entrepreneurial talent will help light the path for your company to flourish.

“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.”


Your Dream

Building your early-stage company into a market success is extremely difficult. Only a small fraction of ideas grow into brands that become widely known, trusted, and sought after. The development path has many nebulous crossroads with choices that may take your company in the wrong direction. Given financial limitations inherent in young companies, it’s extremely important that you try to make as few mistakes as possible to ensure sustainable growth and success. Enlisting talent with previous experience to help guide you through the rough waters is essential but can become rather expensive- that is where Sunfire comes in.

Our Experience

Established in 1994, Sunfire Ventures Limited, together with its strategic allies, assist in development of the operations and business strategies for small, innovative companies. While our primary geographic focus is North America, we have extensive international contacts and have engaged in overseas markets when opportunities were sufficiently compelling. We offer a diverse skill-set that has proven to be invaluable to the entrepreneurial teams with which the Company has allied.

Our experience spans a wide range of industries, including: internet & wireless service providers, wireless infrastructure & software developers, new media production & services, social media sites, consumer goods, alternative energy, GREEN energy, and oil & gas infrastructure.


Concept Development

Strategic Planning

Operations Management

We provide our services on an ‘as needed’ basis to ensure your company is able to secure value-added benefits while keeping costs low.

Most sessions are done virtually, with a simple 1/2 hour phone or video conversation to fill-in some knowledge gaps, brainstorm, explore ideas, or fine-tune strategies but we can also go on-site to help with more comprehensive challenges.



Sunfire’s principal, Patrick Ward has over 20 years of international experience in multiple sectors.

A seasoned entrepreneur and early-stage company generalist, Patrick has strong financial, structuring, analytical, and organizational skills. When necessary, he is able to draw upon his extensive personal network to bring complementary skills and experience to enhance venture development teams.

Patrick has a diploma in Accounting & Finance, a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Entrepreneurial Management, and an MBA in Marketing & Finance.

For more information on Patrick, visit his personal website.

Let us help make your business ideas a reality.