Cooperative Learning…For Robots

When we were first developing our ISP, Internet Express, back in 1994, we had a heck of a time trying to convince people that there was a future with the web, now the World can’t see a future without it.

The Internet has brought the human species closer together in many respects. Information is available at our finger tips and we are able to share ideas with people around the World. We have the potential to be well informed and educate ourselves to be better citizens of this World to help build society.

Can the same be done for robots? Funny question but there are scientists actually looking at creating an INTERNET for robots. I would imagine it would be more like a P2P file sharing network but the creators are basically looking at a way to connect robots to a network so programmers and the robots themselves can share ideas and access programs to enhance the performance and interaction of robots.

I would imagine this would enable an open source movement to flourish for the evolution of robots but at the same time I am sure pay apps could be developed for specific functions. As robots become more part of our lives with companies like iROBOT offering low cost consumer robot appliances, there may be a whole new industry for app developers, similar to what we have been seeing in the mobile world.